Risk notice and disclaimer
Trading in cryptocurrencies can involve a high financial risk, up to and including total loss, and is not suitable for every investor. Only risk capital or parts of risk capital should be used for trading in cryptocurrencies.
Risk capital is money whose loss does not result in a change in the financial situation or does not affect life. Past performance is no guarantee of future profits.
Analyses and market opinions by cryptoninja
Any opinions, news, research, analysis, testimonials, prices or other information contained in this website is intended as commentary and does not constitute investment advice. No guarantee for the correctness can be given. cryptoninja accepts no liability for any loss or financial damage arising directly or indirectly from the information provided. The information published reflects the opinion of the editors and does not constitute a solicitation to buy or sell any cryptocurrency.
Online trading
Various risks exist when using web-based trading programs or trading via the internet (online trading). For example, but not limited to, hardware, software and internet connection problems. We cannot guarantee the proper functioning of the offers of third party brokers or trading platforms.